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30 Rock Spec
March 24, 2014
A spec script is an original episode of an existing show. Writers do this to hone their craft in capturing others voices, in hopes that it will get them work someday. I have a few spec scripts, but my favorite by far is my 30 Rock spec script. The episode is the parody of the 1976 Paddy Chayefsky
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Books I Love
March 17, 2014
1. John Dies at the End, David Wong This is one of my favorite books. It combines most of my favorite things in a good story: drugs, dimensions, time travel, humor, horror, and adventure. The main characters John and Dave get their hands on this drug called “soy sauce.” The sauce then allows them to
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March 9, 2014
limbo 1. ( often initial capital letter ) Roman Catholic Theology . a region on the border of hell or heaven, serving as the abode after death of unbaptized infants (limbo of infants) and of the righteous who died before the coming of Christ (limbo of the fathers or limbo of the patriarchs) 2. a place or state of oblivion to which persons or things are regarded as being relegated when cast aside, forgotten, past, or out of date: My youthful hopes are in the limbo of lost dreams. 3. an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place. 4. a place or state of imprisonment or confinement. At my new job, I don’t have a desk. I’m a deskless, computerless employee that bounces from station to station, working wherever is open and wherever I’m needed. I am in limbo. I’m subletting an apartment in the city. On weekends, I
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French Fry Day
March 3, 2014
March 1st, French Fry Day. This is my own personal holiday. I made it up. It’s the one day a year I eat french fries. This is why. And it starts with soda. There was once a time I drank soda all the time. In the morning, for energy. In the afternoon, for thirst. In
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Toy Story: The Struggle of an Anti-Social Slightly Schitzo Sociopath
February 24, 2014
Toy Story is just one of the much beloved Pixar films, which I enjoy as much (probably more so) than a child with all the action figures. When the first Toy Story came out, I was six. And when the third came out, I was in college, so I essentially “grew up” with Andy. I think all
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Winning or Losing?
February 17, 2014
Does a new job in a new year mean a new me? I think not. I’m living in the city, but I’m subletting, so I’m basically one step above a hobo. I’m pretty much pretending I’m fancy and can afford living in NYC. For me, the worst part about living in the city is the
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2026, The Year I Die
February 9, 2014
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain I’ve been living the past eight years under the belief that I die in 2026, just before my 37th birthday. If you think this is ridiculous, it’s because it
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Comics You Should Know
February 2, 2014
People often ask me who my favorite comics are. There are so many. Often times I’ll name comics who, unless you’re a huge comedy fan, are under the radar. Of course I love Jim Gaffigan, Louis CK, Bill Burr, and Colin Quinn. They are remarkable comics. But there are so many comics out there that
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Um… Thanks?
January 26, 2014
Here’s a list of some of my favorite post show compliments (if you can call them that). 10. “You’re evil.” An older woman said this to me and I’m still unsure if she thought I was funny or not. 9. “I like your pants.” This was whispered into my ear by a middle aged man.
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2013, There Will Be Blood
January 19, 2014
Oh, 2013. A year, overall, I won’t really miss, but also, a year that’s important for me not to forget. If you’re reading this, I take it you’re really bored at your job or something. And keep reading. Because even though it starts kind of depressing, it gets worse when I almost die from a
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