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Crazy Aunt Lori
My parents are both one of six (my grandmother the youngest of 20!). I have a large family, lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins. I’m fortunate enough to be close with most of them. They’re crazy, yes. But they’re my family. There’s something among kin, that even when you’re completely mad, the level of understanding where you come from makes you close.
My nephew was born last week. His conception was a bit of a surprise, and thus, caused some drama amongst my nutty kin, that I will not elaborate on here and now. But upon his arrival, holding him in my arms, it all seems so futile in retrospect.
Babies are like tiny sorcerers. Babies heads give off pheromones that when inhaled actually make you love them. Unbeknownst to most, I’ve always wanted kids. I would, however, rather have a sitcom. But there’s something to be said of pure instincts that you can’t fight. There will be times when I’m playing with a toddler, or looking at baby shoes when I have the sudden urge to have a baby right then and there. The body has a way of tricking the mind, after all, it has hundreds of years of evolution programmed to reproduce. Later, I’ll be on stage telling my hilarious abortion jokes, and the thought of having a baby is literally the furthest thing from my mind. In fact, I’d rather get hammered and be totally irresponsible.
But there I am, a newborn nephew in my arms. He’s just the sweetest. After feeding him, he cuddles into you, and falls asleep. It’s absolutely precious. Not only do I feel soft, but I don’t mind it. Usually, I hate people who make me feel feelings. God, feelings are the worst.
Even though it’s only been a couple days, I already miss him. It’s seems silly, even to me. Kids might not be in the cards for me. So my nephew and future nephews and nieces might be the closest thing I have to my own.
I found myself thinking how I could be the best, most supportive aunt possible for this new human in my life. The fortunate part of coming from a large family, is I have many aunts and uncles whom I can learn from. From their example, I can try to be as good. I look forward to spending time with my aunts and uncles because they’re crazy… crazy like me. I’m closest with the ones that support my dreams, even when I’m insecure about them. Their doors are always open to me. Their food (and drinks) offered to me. They are my second homes. Most of all, they make me laugh. We have fun, and make fun. Because we’re wholly accepting of each other, flaws and all. That’s why I love my aunts and uncles.
So, I’ll borrow my ideas from them. I’ll follow by example. And I’ll be crazy. And that’s okay. Because being crazy together is the best part of family.
Welcome to our family, little Anthony…
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