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Mar 24, 2025If You Give A Lori A Martini
Mar 17, 2025In Defense of Nepotism
Mar 7, 2025I "Mustache" You A History Question
Mar 3, 2025Lasers. Libertarians. Lesbians.
Feb 26, 2025
on Tickle ModelStevenHop
on Patronage PleaAngelwet
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on Tickle Model
When This Is Finally Over
June 1, 2020
“Do you believe in soul mates?” She asks as she kicks back her drink, dusting sand off her leg. My shoulders are starting to burn but I don’t mind. In fact, I like it. The smell of the ocean, the tanning oil. “Yes.” “Really? You?” “Yes, but…” there’s always a ‘but’ with me, “my Aunt
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Would You Go To Utah With Me?
May 30, 2020
“And it’s a battered old suitcase to a hotel someplace And a wound that will never heal No prima donna, the perfume is on An old shirt that is stained with blood and whiskey And goodnight to the street sweepers The night watchman flame keepers and goodnight, Mathilda too” —Tom Traubert’s Blues, Tom Waits Would
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Nature – It’s Terrifying Out There
May 20, 2020
If I’m known for anything, let it be that I am obsessed—to a border line mental illness—with nature documentaries. Not only do I watch them more than I watch anything on TV, I often watch the same ones over and over. I love learning and I’m continuously in awe of nature’s wonder. For all of
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May 15, 2020
“How do we feel about this…” the start of a six part message too early on a Tuesday morning in a group chat to three of my most trusted advisors/friends/fellow artists… “A ‘fan’ wants to Venmo me money. He says he is fortunate enough to still be working and has decided to divide up his
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Nancy, There’s Bugs Outside
May 7, 2020
Caught in a rabbit hole of home videos transferred onto a flash drive from my Dad, I lay in bed all night remembering and reliving memories of what feels like a long time ago. One of the sweeter moments is when my sister is holding Mitch for the first time (Lisa would be 4 and
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Jumping Up and Down with Excitement
April 28, 2020
Anthony, my five year old nephew, gets really excited watching action movies, so much so, he gets off the couch to jump up a down. It mirrors how I used to react, when I was younger. “I don’t remember you jumping up and down,” Lisa, my older sister says. “That’s because you would yell at
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We Were Invincible.
April 19, 2020
We were invincible children with toothpick arms and legs, ducking under waves taller than us, dropping in on peaks with smiles on our faces as we wiped out on shore. We were invincible climbing trees, riding bikes and jumping off swings as high as we could, scraped knees cleaned and cartoon band-aids from Mom, also
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Don’t Dream It’s Over
April 13, 2020
Do you keep track of the days anymore? Just enough so I’ll know what days I have to work. A remote job I couldn’t be more grateful to have at the moment. The year 2020 is officially a wash and I don’t have expectations of it being much more than a kitten hanging from a
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April 5, 2020
Charlotte (2), laughs maniacally at all the jump scares in a bad shark horror movie we’re watching. If we’re frightened or jump, she laughs hysterically. She does the same thing when you put on something loud, like a vacuum or a blender. She screams, hands over her ears, as loud as she can. In one
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Are You Kidding Me
March 30, 2020
We narrowly escaped New York just in time. Initially, it was just going to be me, riding solo, down to my parents house in Florida. Working remotely for my marketing director, and with comedy suspended for what is going to be a long time, it seemed like the best call. Like many, I’m taking a
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