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on peep wars
June 18, 2018
In what most consider an unlikely turn of events, I officiated a wedding. Comedian friends especially mocked this, given have an “anti-marriage” chunk, followed by a “why you should never have kids” chunk, all with clever punch lines and salient points. I stand accused of not respecting marriage, which isn’t really the whole truth. While
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The Ladies Restroom
June 9, 2018
Three years ago I was using a restroom in Universal Studios/Island of Adventure Park. My parents had just moved to Florida, and so, we went there with my cousin because we’re all kind of nerdy and we enjoy and appreciate a fun action ride based on films. Anyway, after relieving myself, I go to wash
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When You Don’t Want To Be High
June 2, 2018
What a ridiculous title. Being high is the best! Except when it’s really, really not. Because sometimes life throws shit at you while you’re in the midst of being seriously fucked up. This has happened to me many times, albeit, some I don’t remember so well because I was seriously fucked up. But most recently
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No Ice Caves For The Ice Queen
May 27, 2018
Half of the point of coming to Sam’s Point was to see the Ice Caves. The name sounds cool in itself. It stays cool enough there so the ice remains well into spring/early summer. But the ice caves were closed off. Of course, I planned to go to them anyway. I’m no thief, but I’m
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May 16, 2019
May 20, 2018
This blog is written by 29 year old Lori. And if you’re not Lori, in the future, you can go ahead and skip this blog. Seriously. Or read it. It’s just the same to me. . . . . . You’re still here? Are you pooping? Don’t answer that. ______________________________________ On the eve of
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May 13, 2018
To be very clear, money is not the root of all evil. Actually, money has greatly improved humans as a species, as we can settle on a currency of worth and therefore minimize primal strength as a means of power. Money allows power and as the Flaming Lips sang, “you cannot know yourself and what
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May 6, 2018
As kids, we had an abundant amount of energy. We were fortunate to have a decent sized backyard, with friends on our block. In all the warmer months we’d be running amuck, usually without shoes. It had been my firm belief back then that it was both better and more efficient to climb trees with
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April 30, 2018
White water rafting is best in the Spring. And by best I mean most dangerous. Because as the snow melts, the river levels rise and creates the fastest and largest rapids. Cut from the same half insane cloth, my cousin Brian and I had our eyes on going on a day trip this Spring. Brian’s
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Breakneck Ridge
April 21, 2018
It wasn’t the plan. The plan was to hike Bull Hill. But I couldn’t locate the trail. The first place my gps lead me to was a sketchy gravel road, and I turned back because I drive a Hyundai Accent, and they’re not exactly known for their off-roading abilities. In town (Cold Spring), a security
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April 14, 2018
Sometimes….. It just goes down like this….. It’s nothing really significant It’s nothing so special That we are not so unique That we happen all the time It doesn’t mean that our experience is any less If it’s new to us, then it is new An exploration An adventure That maybe we are drawn to
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