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It Doesn’t Get Better
April 15, 2017
There are some memories I’ve replayed so many times, I’m sure it’s not the memory I remember at all, it’s more like remembering a reflection of it. A memory of a memory. The minds eye playing the motion picture of your life. The images stored in our heads will suffice as truth, a truth told
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Feisty Character
April 8, 2017
On an episode of Planet Earth, there’s a rather violent scene of sea lions tearing out the throats of penguins. I simply cannot get enough of watching this horrifically beautiful display of the cruelty of nature and the circle of life. Despite having watched it before, and grimacing the first time, I watch, captivated, wincing
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Under The Hell Gate Bridge
March 31, 2017
Fate is something I do not believe in. It is my firm belief that there is nothing supernatural, nor is there any driving force behind anything that happens. What people call fate is just the decisions you make plus time. Yet sometimes, yes, sometimes, things seem all together too perfect. Or even familiar. A path
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March 25, 2017
It’s not all that uncommon for me to feel nauseous, with a pretty stringent healthy diet, and a neurotic sensibility, I made easily queasy. So, at first, I chalked it up to something I ate. Ok, fine. It’ll be alright in the morning. But the following morning, I felt hung over. Again, not all that
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So Good At Being Uncomfortable
March 18, 2017
Discomfort. My default state. I used to think being agoraphobic meant you’re insane, but lately I think agoraphobia is just a sign of intelligence. Maybe it’s the fact that my legs never stop moving, or the quizzical look in my eye, but people frequently ask me if I’m okay. Friends, comics, acquaintances, people who work
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One Hour
March 14, 2017
The list of things people say that make me want to punch them in the face is growing at an alarming rate. At this point, I’m genuinely surprised I’m able to contain high levels of rage in my petite body and haven’t punched anyone in the face. When I go home at night, I’m genuinely
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March 4, 2017
There is simply nothing worse in comedy than a joke thief. I hate them. The second worse thing are hacks. I don’t hate hacks, by any means, but their sets are eye rolling inducing, and as much I love to eye roll, I wish some hacky bits would be put to rest since they have
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Female Mentor Wanted
February 26, 2017
I’m fresh off of a women in comedy panel at Yale, and yes, I refrained from my “fuck the system” attitude, and acted as a professional comedian. Me on a panel at Yale is hilarious for a great number of reasons, but I’ll spare you. It did bring to light something that has been missing
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Don’t Eat Healthy
February 18, 2017
It was early on Saturday or Sunday morning, and given that this was a time before I did comedy, I was an early riser. Up with the sun. Already, I could hear my parents fussing over something in the kitchen. I lay in bed, looking at the clouds in the sky through my bedroom window
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