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Stop It
July 17, 2016
When I was younger, I assumed It would go away on It’s own. Like a illness, It would exist, and after sometime, my body would fight It off. But It recurred, again and again, as if my body was storing it, and sometimes, It would go dormant, only to reappear later. Still, I had this
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Reads & Recs
July 13, 2016
There’s nothing better than chilling on the beach with a good book. Here’s some good novels I’ve read lately that I highly recommend. Feel free to leave a comment and recommend a book! I’m always trying to start book clubs with people because I’m a huge nerd. The First Fifteen Lives Of Harry August by
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Earth, Venus, Mars, Iceland
July 4, 2016
Post vacation blues still linger as I continue to scroll through the pictures over and over. The pictures are incredible, and yet, do Iceland little justice, and so, I’m not foolish enough to believe that any words I put together could possibly explain the both earthly and unearthly place that is Iceland. Some years ago,
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Lucky Number Seven
June 26, 2016
When asked why I got into comedy, there are several versions of the story, none more true or false than the other. The most told is the shortest version: I was a comedy nerd who dreamed of writing for sitcoms. I tried stand up, and got hooked. Seven years ago, at twenty years old, a
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The Photos Do Iceland No Justice
June 18, 2016
Still here in Iceland. These photos do this place little justice, and it’s beyond amazing. Even seeing it with my own eyes, it’s unreal. If you have adventure in your heart, you need to come here. It’s stunning. This is just before midnight, where the glacier is melting off to the beach. This is one
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Kill! Fuck! Marry! Game of Thrones Edition
June 12, 2016
Kill – Daenerys Targaryen “I am a Khaleesi of the Dothraki! I am the wife of the great Khal and I carry his son inside me! The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands. “ That’s right, I just killed off one of your favorite characters.
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En Puerto Rico
June 5, 2016
The isle of Puerto Rico, common wealth of United States, home of rain forests, and surf, and my best friend’s Abuela. Lauren and I have been friends since kindergarten. I have always been selective with my friends. I remember first meeting her on the playground at kindergarten. There was a large seesaw that all the
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Golden Child
May 29, 2016
I was and remain the golden child of my family. Despite my best efforts to give my older sister and younger brother a chance at favoritism, they still can’t seem to usurp me, despite the fact that I, once a straight A student, with a promising career in almost anything, decided to throw it all
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Songs For a Rainy Day
May 24, 2016
Depression, loneliness, heartbreak… all terrible feelings, and yet, so many amazing songs come from those places of hurt. This list could be in the hundreds (I listen to a lot depressing music), but these are some of my favorites. 15. Back To Black – Amy Winehouse “We only said goodbye with words I died a
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May 18, 2016
As I complete my 27th journey around the sun, I find I need to put my morose disposition on hold to be grateful. On my last day as a 26 year old, I nursed (well, maybe not nursed) a vodka soda at the bar, waiting to go on stage, to perform for family, friends, and
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