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Mar 24, 2025If You Give A Lori A Martini
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Feb 26, 2025
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on Tickle Model
M.T. Pockets
August 16, 2015
Not unlike many summer days from that time in my life, we were grilling burgers at Atlantique beach, Fire Island. Running around in the sun all day, playing games and swimming, gave us kids quite an appetite, and we waited impatiently for our grilled meat, chomping down on some corn on the cob, and shoving
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Tuesday Into Wednesday
August 9, 2015
Technically, it was Wednesday morning. 1 am. I waited for my train at Times Square to Queens. Sure I had to be up again in six hours, but I had a buzz, and Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, so I felt alright. It was the best I’d felt all day. I had been feeling pretty
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Smile Like You Mean It
August 3, 2015
I’ve been coming home late, more than ready for bed, only to find my door has been blocked by a large, intricate, and quite impressive spider web. The spider sits in the middle with a confidence that is both annoying and admirable. It’s a good spot, for sure. The light outside the building is the
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Funny Females
July 25, 2015
Probably one of the most annoying things about being a female in comedy, is after shows, people (usually women) will come up to me and say, “you were so funny, and I don’t think female comics are funny.” Besides wanting to punch them in the face, I’d like to suggest female comics they’ve likely never
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Sleeping Pills
July 21, 2015
A couple weeks ago, I started having trouble falling and staying asleep. Not getting enough rest can quickly deteriorate mental health. I started taking sleeping pills. These sleeping pills gave me vivid (and often violent) dreams… Night 1: I pull up in front of my parents house. It’s nighttime. I see couple of cop
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I Heart NY
July 13, 2015
“But the most special are the most lonely God, I pity the violins” -Regina Spektor Summer is slow for comedy. This is normal. In May, I looked at my summer calendar with horror. The Spring months were good for me, so when June came, I began to prep myself mentally, “it’s okay,” I told myself,
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I Wrote This When I Was Very Angry & Very Intoxicated
July 5, 2015
My best friend, and non-sexual soul mate came out to his parents, coincidentally (but memorable and apropos), on the Friday same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide. Not only have I known for years, but we’re so close and spend so much time together, his parents have long thought we’ve been a couple. This happens a lot.
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Happy 6th Anniversary, Bae (comedy)
June 28, 2015
Six years is a lot to me. There aren’t too many things I’ve done for six years. Granted, I’m 26. School is the longest thing I’ve done up to this point. I never held jobs for very long. I never had long relationships. Six years is not a long time, yet it’s a huge chunk
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Wonderful Tonight
June 22, 2015
A phone call from a lawyer whom I’ve never met stirred memories which have been left by the wayside in my brain. I received a small amount of money in a settlement against the Venetian Yacht Club, because they didn’t fairly compensate their employees (where I worked as a caterer for two years). While I
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12 Songs I Never Get Sick Of
June 14, 2015
12. In My Life – The Beatles “Though I know I’ll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I’ll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more.” No other song makes me feel both a little forlornness with happiness, simultaneously, every single time I listen
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