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Stranger Things I Find Attractive
There are things everyone finds attractive— a big, white smile, sparkling eyes, a fit body, smart brain, kind heart and humorous wit. I like those things too (and strive to have them), but there are less common, stranger things I also find attractive. This (as per instagram’s voting request) is a blog about those things.
This one is not as weird as you might think for women. While men are obsessed with their penis’s (usually more than the woman is), they might be surprised to learn how often women find hands attractive. It’s true we think a muscular vein on an arm is sexier than a vein on a penis, which most of us could take or leave, if I’m being honest.
It’s hard for me to describe exactly what an attractive hand is. For sure, I could tell you what it’s not. Definitely not sausage fingers or too hairy. That’s obvious. Personally, I don’t like a hand to be too knobby or too feminine. Since I’ve been with women and can find women attractive (though I don’t date women romantically), I don’t like dainty men. I like my men on the manly side and my women on the feminine side.
[I should remind all readers that I don’t speak for everyone, and that my preferences are my own, and that there is nothing wrong with you (probably there are things wrong with you, but that’s okay), and above all things, you should be yourself. Unless being yourself sucks, then go do some work on yourself.]
Historically, I’ve not been one to love holding hands. I, myself, get clammy hands rather easily because I have high anxiety. Though, if I do like holding one’s hand, it is a huge sign for me that I really like the person.
No single trait is deal breaker for me (except the part about intelligence, sense of humor, and not being obese). If you’re wondering why any woman would be attracted to hands, my first guess would be that if you’re doing foreplay properly, we literally fuck your hands. I’m unsure if there is any way to make your hands more attractive, as it seems something you’re born with or not. Though, my advice would be to not have too much sodium in your diet (thus causing your fingers to swell) and just to make sure your fingernails are clean (they don’t have to be manicured, in fact, I would probably find that unattractive in a man, but no one likes grimy fingernails).
Since the dawn of humans, men have been women’s protectors. Or, at least, they should be. Too often men are women’s abusers. So, desiring strong hands to be held by isn’t that strange.
The Sound of Your Voice
One time, I was in bed with a man and I said, “this is probably not the compliment you want, but I find your voice so sexy.” It wasn’t the compliment he wanted. Men want physical compliments, specifically about their dicks.
Now, the sound of a man’s voice can actually be a deal breaker for me. I like deeper voices and find it a big turn off if a man has a higher pitched voice. Again, I can find certain female voices to be sexy as hell (my voice, I know, is terrible, I sound like a squirrel with a perpetual sinus infection), but I like my men masculine and women feminine.
Sound, in general, is extremely important. I love to have sex to music. It enhances the whole experience. Certain rhythms and vibrations turn me on. I think, likely, the booming sound of a deep voice being a turn on has something based in science as women’s bodies orgasm to vibrations. Movement is far more important than looks to us (something some men can never wrap their heads around).
This is one of my weirder ones. I do have a strange attraction to ears, or can be really turned off by them. I certainly don’t like ears too big (and definitely not hairy). Conversely, I like it when ears stick out a little, I find that cute. I don’t like long ear lobes, but I like detached earlobes more than connected ones. Personally, I think my ears are cute as hell, though I don’t think anyone notices them, especially since I have such lovely boobs. There is no diet or exercise one can do to make their ears more attractive, so it’s not something I would worry about. But if you ever think I’m staring at your ear, I probably am.
That’s right. I love myself a nerd. I don’t mean your old Hollywood thick glasses and afraid to talk to women types (though I like them too!). But I like people who are nerdy about something. I like when someone is an expert about something they’re passionate about that’s bigger than them. Perhaps because I’m a nerd in more ways than one. I find nerds ever endearing. Whatever it is you’re nerdy about, be proud! And wear it on your sleeve. Sometimes, literally, in the form of a tattoo sleeve (I also like tattoos but I don’t think that’s too unusual).
Not Super Religious
It doesn’t bother me if someone is religious. A lot of my favorite people are religious, and religion brings millions of people peace and happiness, which I think is wonderful. But if you’re super religious, no matter what the religion is, I find it off putting. And I don’t even mean the main ones, like Christianity, Judaism, Muslim or Hinduism… I also mean newer ones, like astrology or believing too much in crystals, and just forget it if you’re a Scientologist.
Most of the “classic” religions are severely sexist, and a fair amount of those type of overzealous people also make very lousy lovers because they are prude about sexuality (mostly when it comes to women’s bodies). Though I went from Catholic, to agnostic, to atheist, and then back to agnostic, I now find most atheists to also be irritating. I like spiritual people, whatever their spirituality is grounded in. But once you’re lecturing me about faith that IS faith and not science, I feel you have a one track mind, and you’re possibly unable to have original thought, which is a huge turn off for me. Ultimately, no one knows what is waiting for us in the hereafter. Religion can be beautiful, or it can be insane. The beauty lies in the truth that we should all hold humanity as the highest virtue and that we will be reunited in the great beyond. The insanity lies in discriminating against others who have different views.
If you’re not an empathic person, no matter how hot or smart you are, I will be turned off. Empathy comes easier to women, as I believe we are born with it. Men, however, aren’t as emotionally intelligent as we are, and it’s up to their families to instill empathy in them. It’s usually pretty easy for me to pick up on whether or not a man is empathetic. The tell tale early signs lie in how they treat waiters. If you’re on a date with someone and they are rude to the waiter, bartender or busboy— run. Run as far as you can away from that person. Of course, there is phony kindness which can sometimes be harder to sift through. But there are signs. Look for people who help the elderly and that babies or small children are drawn to. Babies and young kids have some sort of sixth sense, I think, as they are the closest to “the creator.” Some people, particularly men, hide empathy because they grew up with toxic or cold fathers. These types of men can be a little trickier. Empathy, though, is one of the most desirable personality traits a person can have.
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